Mark Koranda

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Mark at the keys


Check out my latest thoughts and writings on my blog page.


I am currently applying my skills to the tech industry as a Software Design Engineer at Edge RnD.


I graduated with my PhD in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in 2022. I was recognized for my advocacy work by the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Last fall (2021) I had the pleasure of designing and teaching a Capstone course on applied writing interventions, “Language Use as Self-Growth”, in which 23 students spent an entire semester writing to themselves, administering writing interventions on each other, and analyzing which words lead to learning.

Cognition of Language Use

Language is a sophisticated cognitive tool for sharing and coordinating, often about things neither here nor now. Like any tool used in real-time with constantly changing demands, we can’t expect it to work perfectly. In other words, “good-enough” decisions that avoid mental interference, or take advantage of whatever comes to mind first.

My dissertation shows evidence that when there are multiple ways to say something, what comes to mind will tend to be words that sound less like what you just said (we avoid alliteration), and a slight preference for words that you generally know more (prefer high frequency words)–even if they’re not quite right for what you mean.

I have also investigated:

My academic history (CV)

Deaf Advocacy

Much of my research is influenced by my identity and culture. For me, the goal of (even) basic science is to address real-world problems. I am bi-cultural, raised in both the Deaf community and the broader hearing culture. Check out my blog to learn more about the intersection of these communities.

Military Awareness

Before Undergrad, I served in Afghanistan with the Marine Corps. During my deployment and after, I wrote about the complexity of being a Marine, an informed citizen and a mediator for an often uninformed population.

Skilled Reflection

Language is a powerful tool. It is also a dangerous one. We can be lured into many linguistic vices like fantasies and fake news. We can also leverage our reasoning ability against these vices on the things we care most about.

The purpose of Skilled Reflection is to intensely subject our personal meaning and meaning-making (“goals”) to the measured, objective reality of our habits. It is a University Club I made up where students come together for focused writing, accountability, and a shared interest in practically increasing the good stuff in life.


If you prefer non-verbal exercizes of contemplating the juxtaposed desires and realities of humanity, you might browse these “Soul Snaps”.