Mark Koranda

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Be right there

July 10, 2024 -

You open a letter. It is from a legal firm representing a close friend and contains the following sentence: “The undersigned agrees to be present and available at all times, regardless of circumstances.”

How does this make you feel? Relieved?


Legal documents imply rigid compliance, reflecting caution and delimiting responsibilities. On the surface, it is an impersonal obligation.

Yet the format of communication - whether legal, emotional, or otherwise - profoundly shapes our interpretations. A (/blog/2023/08/01/dear-love/) invites vulnerability and expresses boundless faith.

Open another envelope. This personalized letter contains: “I will always be here for you, no matter what.”

There is sentiment in the legal, just as there is legalese in the love letter. Our assumptions about form often blind us to the substance beneath. But the form itself is merely a convention, (/blog/2022/11/20/2-not-the-point/).

Communication shapes connection, but true connection lies in seeing past the format, into the heart of expression.

Both letters share a human predicting presence. In fact (/blog/2022/04/18/the-agreement-between-reader-and-writer/) implies co-presence.

Don’t lose sight of this. Even a legal contract will drip with human love when there is no one left.


*Last summer and before, I wrote a few very brief allegorical “essays”, which meant to imply core pragmatic truths about language and communication (a few are linked in this piece). With the help of AI, I also wrote a set of parallel “letters” which varied in style but contained nearly identical underlying messages. This piece is an attempt to help connect and reveal the motivations behind those writings. *

In general, my aim with Links will be less specific, but will share the common theme of bringing more of my inner-thoughts to light. No promises on what what this means, except that I’m trying to “be there” more. I guess we’ll see what comes of promises.

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