Mark Koranda

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Dear Love,

August 01, 2023 -






At most, my words can only imply the love I have for you.

I hope nothing but that you feel unconditionally closer to yourself, a feeling that moves you to be more present, and gives you agency into the world. What more can a love letter be?

What more can love do?

Then please only hear this, only listen for this in my words. What matters is only what improves your belief in yourself.

By continuing to read you consent to an intimacy you cannot unknow.

To take a love letter you are open to be inspired by love. You are open to a lovelier version of you. You are open to liberation and meaning brought by ideas that take you outside your current experience. You are open to the power of words to change you.

A real love letter cannot be anything less than words toward the greatest possible change and growth toward yourself, and words can have no greater purpose.

It is more important for you to have this love than for me to be its author. So find these words where you need to. Find them in a spiritual book, or a technical manual. Your love letter is every challenge and inspiration and direction and sound that urges you toward your best self. Find whatever words in the world that will lead to your best life.

Call it love, call it learning.

Learn and be your own best friend, teacher, lover, guardian, therapist, bridge partner, rock climbing belayer. Be the best compromise of whatever you need. Who was Einstein or da Vinci or anyone you might admire famous or unsung, but someone guided by their own heart, who found what they needed to love themself?

Do not feel alone, my love. As humans we are always connected. I come in many forms: partner, teacher, parent, mentor, therapist, friend. I come in whichever form you are ready to receive love. I am yours when, seeing yourself in my eyes, the world is in your hands. I am everyone you can see yourself in.

When anyone makes a practice of finding themselves in others and the world, they are a real student. Be your best student, and you are in love and alive.

Sincerely, You

P.S. Now accepting students of life. Inquire within.

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